Fengyao Zhu 朱峰峣

Fengyao Zhu 朱峰峣

Master. Big Mayday fan.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Fengyao Zhu, graduated from East China University of Science and Technology with a master’s degree, with a research direction in ReID. He published one SCI article during his master’s degree. According to the junior students, it was his hateful suggestions that caused everyone in this laboratory to write weekly reports, but he never admitted it.

Currently working in Huawei (Don’t ask, he can’t buy Huawei phones either!!!). According to him, he is just a humble wage earner.

Hobbies: football, photography and music (every day is Mayday🔵🔵🔵).

keep Chill, Stay Real, and “興趣使然”.

  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • Person Re-identification (ReID)
  • Master of Engineering, 2023

    East China University of Science and Technology

  • Bachelor of Engineering, 2020

    Nanjing Agricultural University
